ULTRAGLASS – How soulbottles Aims to Transform the Glass Bottle Market

April 24, 2023

An Interview with Katharina Bruns, Impact Manager at soulbottles.

Hello Kathi, what is the vision of soulbottles?

soulbottles are sustainable, refillable water bottles made from glass and stainless steel. Their beautiful design motivates people to drink more tap water while saving significant amounts of CO₂, plastic, and money. Plus, with every soulbottle sold, €1 goes to our WASH’n’soul project in Lusaka, Zambia.
And our vision at soulbottles? Let me quote it: All people act socially and ecologically sustainably, without unnecessarily burdening the planet, and everyone has access to clean drinking water. The wonderful thing is that our glass bottles help us work toward this vision every day. It guides all the decisions we make and motivates us daily.

How would you describe your role at soulbottles?

My role as an Impact Manager involves measuring, analyzing, and minimizing our company’s impact on the environment and people. The B Corp certification and the Common Good Balance Sheet are also key components of my work. Additionally, I oversee our WASH’n’soul project in Zambia.

What milestones have you achieved during your time at soulbottles? What makes you happy when you look back on your journey so far?

I’ve been a part of soulbottles for nearly 5 years now. One of my first milestones was conducting an impact survey. We wanted to find out if soulbottles truly motivate people to drink more tap water and use fewer plastic bottles. The survey confirmed that people with soulbottles do drink more tap water and also act more sustainably in other areas of their lives, which made us very happy. Before that, this was mostly an assumption based on our own experiences and customer feedback.
Another project I’m particularly proud of is our WASH’n’soul project. Since our founding, one euro from every soulbottle sold has gone to clean drinking water projects. Since 2021, we’ve been working with Viva con Agua and BORDA on our own project. This project is special because, for the first time, we’re deeply involved in its development, allowing us to bring together our core passions: access to clean drinking water, waste management solutions, support for social entrepreneurs, and climate protection. These four components are interconnected and contribute to one another.

What would you say sets soulbottles apart from other companies?

I think it’s primarily the intrinsic motivation to be sustainable that we all share. Sustainability is embedded in our DNA and not just an empty slogan. We always think about how we can make our processes and decisions more sustainable. This also leads to us working even more closely as a team and focusing on a common goal.
It’s a really great feeling to work in a company where everyone is engaged, and it’s normal for everyone to take responsibility. As an Impact Manager, I’m not the only one ensuring that our decisions are made in the best interests of everyone.
And the fact that the company was transferred to stewardship ownership in 2018—I think that’s truly the most remarkable thing you can do. Instead of selling the company and cashing out, it was essentially handed over to the employees, preserving the vision of soulbottles forever. This gives me, and I believe my colleagues as well, the motivation and trust that the direction will remain the same and that no one will profit financially at the expense of others.

Can you give an example of how it becomes noticeable that everyone at soulbottles makes decisions according to the guiding principles of your vision?

Of course! For example, at the beginning, I wasn’t directly involved in the production of our steel bottles in China. Instead, our purchasing and business development team took the lead in finding a production company that aligned with our values. The team visited numerous production facilities in China and ultimately chose a relatively small family business where not everything met our standards yet.
What mattered to the team was the willingness of the company to work with us towards more sustainable production. We believe this approach allows us to have the greatest possible impact. It’s far from perfect—like many things, it’s a process, and we tackle issues together step by step.
Initially, we implemented the “low-hanging fruits,” especially in the area of fire safety: clearly marking escape routes, properly installing fire extinguishers, and providing employee training with our partner sustify. Then we moved on to more complex topics where our expertise was no longer sufficient. That’s why we brought in TAOS as a partner, as they are familiar with local laws and conditions in China.
Now, my colleague Julian from procurement and I are deeply involved in the project. I think this is a great example of how I don’t necessarily have to be directly involved for socio-ecological standards and aspects to be considered in production. It shows how much these values are ingrained in our collective approach.

How would you describe your B Corp journey so far? When did it begin?

soulbottles was one of the first B Corps in Germany. We achieved our initial certification back in 2015. From the beginning, founders Paul and Georg were determined to create a company that has a positive impact on society and the environment. The B Corp certification was an important step to ensure that soulbottles would achieve this goal.
Since the first certification in 2015, we have not only continuously improved but also made many aspects measurable—for example, proving the impact of the soulbottle through our impact survey. The B Corp certification served as a significant motivator in this process.
With our latest recertification, we’ve been able to demonstrate how much we’ve improved, achieving one of the highest BIA scores among B Corps. This naturally allows us to serve as a role model, which makes us very proud.

What inspired soulbottles to pursue B Corp certification at the time?

soulbottles was founded over 10 years ago with a sustainable vision. However, we don’t just want to offer meaningful and sustainable products; we want to create a positive impact in all areas of our company. The BIA (B Impact Assessment) as an external certification allows us to check whether we are actually achieving this. The same applies to the Common Good Balance Sheet. Both certifications prompted us to systematically assess and document our impact for the first time.
For example, in the beginning, I had to collect all the data myself, which was very time-intensive. Similarly, certain processes need to be documented, and doing so retrospectively is, of course, very cumbersome. By now, I’ve involved the relevant people, such as those responsible for purchasing food and office supplies. They now document their expenditures in a way that allows me to use them for assessments with minimal effort. This has also heightened their awareness of how many resources we actually use and how we can collect and utilize this data.
What I particularly like about both certifications is that the evaluation criteria show what the goal is and how we can improve. There are many suggestions for making changes without having to think too hard about it yourself. At the same time, it’s really wonderful to be part of a movement like B Corp, which, like us, believes in moving away from shareholder primacy toward stakeholder orientation and sees businesses as a force for sustainable change. It gives me a sense of purpose and community.

This year, you achieved your third B Corp recertification, making an enormous leap from 84.1 points in the first certification to 167.5 points now. What drives you, and what motivates you personally to keep evolving?

Our company vision. I think many people join soulbottles because they want to make an impact with their work. Our organizational and decision-making structure makes it possible to contribute, participate, and have a say. Even in areas outside my direct responsibilities, I can get involved and be heard. That gives me visibility, appreciation, and, ultimately, motivation.
Knowing that the vision will endure and that the company belongs to the employees, allowing them to shape it, is incredibly inspiring. I believe we would have evolved in the same way even without the certification. However, the certification is so important to us because it provides an external evaluation of our work. It allows us to reflect and incentivizes us to measure and assess the impact of our business activities.
With the latest recertification, it makes us extremely proud to have received further confirmation that we are a company leading the way in the right direction.

What’s next for soulbottles? Are you already thinking about the next thing you want to improve? Can you become even more sustainable and responsible?

Yes, we’re already in the midst of our next big project to make soulbottles even more sustainable. With our ULTRAGLASS campaign, we’re currently raising funds to make our glass soulbottles significantly more shatter-resistant and lighter.

How did this project come about?

Paul, one of our founders, had been thinking for years about reviving the virtually unbreakable “Superfest” glass from East Germany. It’s not actually a new technology, but unfortunately, the brand didn’t survive the market logic of the West and capitalism at the time—because glass that doesn’t break doesn’t sell again.
For the past two years, we’ve been working with the Keylab Glass Technology team at the University of Bayreuth and Füller GmbH to develop more shatter-resistant and lighter soulbottles. Of course, it’s frustrating when, like me, you’re a bit clumsy and drop your bottle, only for it to break.
Aside from delighting our customers when their bottle survives a fall, the ULTRAGLASS campaign is also about shifting our mindset and getting excited about longer-lasting products. By reducing the weight, we save resources and emissions in glass production and transportation. However, the greatest ecological impact comes from the extended lifespan. That’s something we want to share with the world—and, more specifically, with the glass industry.

The ULTRAGLASS campaign by soulbottles runs until Sunday, April 30, 2023.

Anyone can support: whether as a company or an individual.

ultra glass

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